Leave the gift of theatre in your Will
Remembering us in your Will
If you love The Georgian Theatre Royal as an audience member, a performer or volunteer, or if you would just like to help, please consider remembering us in your Will. It is the perfect way to ensure that your memories live on.

Why the Theatre needs your support
The Georgian Theatre Royal occupies a special place in theatrical history. Built in 1788, it is Britain’s oldest working theatre in its original form. Over the centuries, it has inspired and entertained generations of theatregoers and today it remains firmly at the heart of our community.
Offering a wide and varied programme of live professional performances, it also provides a venue for local amateur performing arts groups and develops young talent through a vibrant and thriving Youth Theatre.
Each year, thousands of visitors explore the Theatre’s fascinating history by taking guided tours offered through the award-winning Georgian Theatre Experience.
By leaving a gift in your Will, you are not only supporting the unique architectural heritage of the Theatre but you are also helping this much-loved charitable organisation to continue this work for the benefit of generations of people − today and tomorrow.
What your legacy could achieve
Your legacy will play an important part in ensuring that the Theatre continues to be a pivotal part in our community, offering a stage to established and aspiring professionals as well as community groups. The historic Grade1 listed fabric of The Georgian Theatre Royal is, to many, its greatest asset. A building of such architectural significance needs careful and regular maintenance and ongoing investment which cannot be met through ticket income alone, even with packed audiences.
Your legacy will help to meet these costs or may be used for capital improvements. Either way, you will be helping to secure the long-term future of the Theatre.
How do I leave a legacy?
Your wishes should be legally documented in a Will, and we advise that you speak to a solicitor. Surprisingly, 60% of people don’t have a Will, yet this is a relatively straightforward process that helps you to safeguard the future of your family and friends. In your Will you may also choose to support charities that you want to help. If you already have a Will then you can amend it to include a charitable donation to us.
The most helpful legacy to the Theatre would be an ‘unrestricted gift’. You can leave a percentage of your estate (which protects your future gift against inflation), or a specified amount of money, or items such as property, shares, high-value art, jewellery or furniture.
Are there any tax advantages?
Any gifts left to us in your Will are likely to be exempt from inheritance tax (IHT). The value of your gift is taken off the value of your estate before IHT is applied, making your gift tax free, and of even greater benefit to the Theatre.
How we can help
If you are thinking of including the Theatre in your Will, then it would help if you could let us know. You might find it useful to talk to us about areas of the Theatre’s work that you wish to support and it will allow us to thank you personally. All correspondence will be in the strictest confidence. We would be extremely grateful for contributions of any kind, however large or small.
To discuss remembering the Georgian in your will please contact the CEO, Jo Mawhinney, on 01748 823710 or by email - ceo@georgiantheatreroyal.co.uk
Or write to:
The Georgian Theatre (Richmond) Trust Ltd,
Victoria Road,
DL10 4DW
The Theatre's charity details:
The Georgian Theatre (Richmond) Trust Ltd
Charity Number: 247005